Privacy Notice

Volvo is committed to respecting your privacy. Volvo only collect the personal data needed to enable developers to be successful on our webpage and platform (“Developer Portal”) and to provide a safe experience for users. When we process personal data, we believe it is important for you to know what we are collecting and why we need it to support you as a developer.

This notice (“Privacy Notice”) provides information about how Volvo will process any personal data collected from you, and how Volvo may use, share and protect that information. For the avoidance of doubt, this notice is also applicable for when you as a developer may provide Volvo with an e-mail address to invite others to join your development team on the Developer Portal.

We recommend you to read this Privacy Notice carefully to ensure you are fully informed.

Identity and contact details of the controller and the Volvo Group Privacy Officer

Volvo Connected Solutions, a company part of the Volvo Group (above and below referred to as “Volvo”, “we” or “us”) is the controller of the personal data that Volvo obtains from you and the other sources described below.

“Controller” means that it is Volvo that decides on the purpose and means for the processing of your personal data. Volvo is responsible for the processing of your personal data under applicable data privacy laws and regulations.

If you have questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact the Volvo Group Privacy Officer at or by post or phone at:

AB Volvo,
Att: Group Privacy Office, Dept AA14100, VGHQ
SE-405 08
Göteborg, Sweden

+46 (0)31 66 00 00

In order for you to register an account as a developer on our Developer Portal, we will process certain personal data about you. This will also apply if you become a Partner.

For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, “personal data” is any information about a specific individual or that identifies or may identify a specific individual. In other words, it is any piece of information than can be linked to you.

For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, the term "process” or “processing” means any use of personal data, including but not limited to the collection, recording, organization, storing, adaptation, alteration, transferring, making available, blocking, deletion or destruction of personal data.

Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Notice, words and expressions defined in this Privacy Notice have the same meaning as they have in the Terms of Use of the Developer Portal.

Legal ground

Volvo will process your personal data based on either of the following legal grounds, see also further details below.

  • Contractual obligation. Volvo may process your personal data if such processing is necessary to fulfil a contractual obligation towards you e.g. to be able to provide you with access to an account on the Developer Portal if you are an individual registering on behalf of yourself.
  • Legitimate interests. Volvo may process your personal data if such processing is necessary for the purposes of a legitimate interest pursued by Volvo or a third party. In order to base its processing of personal data on the legitimate interest-basis, Volvo makes an assessment on case-by-case basis. Example, Volvo needs to process certain personal data to enable administration of your account where Volvo’s legitimate interest is to manage its Developer Portal and provide access to you.

Where it is stated herein that Volvo relies on its legitimate interests for a given processing purpose, Volvo is of the opinion that its legitimate interests are not overridden by your interests, rights or freedoms given (i) the transparency Volvo provides on the processing activity, (ii) Volvo’s privacy by design approach, (iii) Volvo’s regular privacy review and (iv) the rights you have in relation to the processing activity. If you wish to obtain further information on this balancing test approach, please contact the Volvo Group Privacy Officer via the contact details set out above.

Volvo may process the following categories of data which, in itself or in combination with other data, may constitute personal data and for the general purposes stated in Table 1 below. Please note that the below list is a list of examples only and not intended as an exhaustive list, and that Volvo will not necessarily process all the data listed below about you, and some of the purposes for processing will overlap and there may be several purposes which justify our use of your personal data.

Categories of Personal Data

Purposes of Processing

Legal Ground for Processing

Retention period

Individual data, including User ID, first name, last name, e-mail address, phone number, role and company name, where relevant.

  • Enabling registration of you on the Developer Portal and invitation to Connected Solutions Developer Portal Slack workspace.
  • General administration of your account, including technical support where needed.
  • Provide you with Developer Portal related features (which may include providing you with access to the Developer Portal, and content, and to send you e-mails and notifications).
  • Legitimate interest (to manage your user account).
  • Contractual obligation (if you are an individual that enters into an agreement with Volvo on your own behalf).
  • Volvo will retain your personal data as long as you have a user account and we therefore have an on-going relationship with you, and where your personal data is necessary in connection with the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice and we have a valid legal basis.
  • When and if a user account registration is cancelled, Volvo will retain the personal data for such time as may be required to comply with local legal obligations or to satisfy any legal requirements in the event of an actual, threatened or anticipated dispute or claim.
  • During any applicable periods noted above, we will restrict our processing of your personal data to storage or, and maintaining the security of, those data, except to the extent the data need to be reviewed in connection with any claim, or any obligation under applicable law.
  • In addition, if any relevant legal claims are brought, we may continue to process your personal data for such additional time necessary in connection with that claim.

From where will Volvo obtain your personal data?

Volvo will primarily obtain your personal data from yourself, e.g. during the registration process.

In addition, we obtain personal data about you from third parties when you use our Slack workspace or sign up to the Developer Portal using a third-party account. For more information about Slack, please see below under heading “How about when I use the Connected Solutions Developer Portal Slack workspace”.

As you navigate through the Developer Portal, we may also automatically collect details about your visits on the Developer Portal, including your IP address, usage patterns, traffic data, location data, logs and other communication data and the resources that you access, as well as information about your computer and internet connection, including your operating system and browser type.

We also collect some of this information using cookies and similar tracking technologies. For more detailed information, please see our General Cookie Policy.

What happens if you do not provide Volvo with any personal data?

Please note that only your full name and e-mail is necessary to create a new account on the Developer Portal, the provision of all other information is optional depending on what you are looking to do on the Developer Portal.

Accordingly, Volvo may not be able to offer you an account if you do not provide your personal data or do not allow Volvo to process certain personal data in connection with your registration.

How will Volvo share personal data?

Your personal data may be shared with other Volvo Group companies and with certain categories of third parties (as further detailed below), which may involve transferring your personal data to other countries.

Sharing of personal data within the Volvo Group

The Volvo Group is a global organization with offices and operations throughout the world, and your personal data may be transferred or be accessible internationally throughout the Volvo Group’s global business and between its various entities and affiliates. Any transfers of your personal data to other Volvo Group companies (including transfers from within the EU/EEA to outside the EU/EEA) will be governed by an intercompany agreement based on EU approved Standard Contractual Clauses or such other mechanisms as have been recognized or approved by the relevant authorities from time to time. Such agreement reflects the standards contained in European data privacy laws (including the EU General Data Protection Regulation). Having this agreement means that all Volvo Group entities have to comply with the same internal rules. It also means that your rights stay the same no matter where your data are processed by Volvo Group.

Sharing of personal data with third parties outside of the Volvo Group

In addition to the sharing of personal data between Volvo Group companies as set out above, Volvo may also share your personal data with certain categories of third parties, including:

Law enforcement, regulatory authorities and other public and judicial bodies in connection with legal obligations such as court orders or legal reporting requirements or if considered necessary in exceptional cases to protect the vital interest of you or others.

Business partners, such as Volvo Group’s suppliers and service providers in connection with their provision of products and services to the Volvo Group, such as IT service providers.

Any third-party service providers to whom your personal data are disclosed, are expected and required to protect the confidentiality and security of your personal data and may only use your personal data in compliance with applicable data privacy laws and regulations.

Further, in the event that any Volvo Group company that is located within the EU/EEA transfers personal data to service providers or professional advisors that are located outside of the EU/EEA the relevant Volvo Group company will satisfy itself that there are appropriate safeguards in place which provide adequate levels of protection of your personal data as required by applicable data privacy laws (including the EU General Data Protection Regulation). For example, this may include the use of EU approved Standard Contractual Clauses or such other mechanism as have been recognized or approved by the relevant authorities from time to time.

If you have questions about how Volvo will share your personal data, please contact the Volvo Group Privacy Officer via the contact details set out above.

How about when I use The Connected Solutions Developer Portal Slack workspace?

Volvo offers the Connected Solutions Developer Portal Slack workspace (the “Workspace”) for purposes of communicating with members of the Developer Portal team or other interested parties. This Workspace is provided to us by Slack Technologies Limited (with registered address at One Park Place, Upper Hatch Street, Dublin 2, Ireland). The use of the Workspace is subject to Slack’s own terms available here:

When you use the Workspace, we collect your identifiers and other personal data you choose to submit to the Workspace. We will process your personal data in this context as the administrators of the Workspace for purposes of managing the Workspace and its different channels and our relationship with you. The data we process is such that you will voluntarily submit in the Workspace (such as your posts) and your sign-up information or data that we have from you or your organization to enable inviting you to the Workspace. Our processing is based on our legitimate interests to provide Volvo users and interested parties with a community to share their experiences of using the Developer Portal and to enhance the user and customer experience for example by way of providing a channel for best practice sharing.

From time to time we may integrate third-party services with Slack. Such third-party services may share information from such services with Slack or vice versa. Please review your privacy settings in such services to manage data sharing from such third-party services.

To learn how Slack processes personal data, please review the Slack privacy policy available here:

How does Volvo safeguard personal data?

Volvo utilizes appropriate and reasonable legal, technical and organizational security measures, including information technology security and physical security measures, to adequately protect personal data.

These measures are appropriate to the risks posed by the processing of personal data and to the sensitivity of the personal data and take into account the requirements of applicable local law. In addition, the measures are continuously improved in line with the development of available security products and services.

Volvo requires all persons to abide by applicable security policies related to personal data when using Volvo systems.

Your data protection rights

You may be entitled, where provided for under applicable data privacy laws and regulations, to:

  • Request access to the personal data Volvo process about you: this right entitles you to know whether we hold personal data about you and, if we do, to obtain information on and a copy of the specific pieces and categories of personal data.
  • Request a rectification of your personal data: this right entitles you to have your personal data corrected if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Object to the processing of your personal data: this right entitles you to request that Volvo no longer processes your personal data.
  • Request the erasure or deletion of your personal data: this right entitles you to request the erasure or deletion of your personal data, including where such personal data would no longer be necessary to achieve the purposes.
  • Request the restriction of the processing of your personal data: this right entitles you to request that Volvo processes your personal data only in limited circumstances, including with your consent.
  • Request portability of your personal data: this right entitles you to receive a copy (in a portable and, if technically feasible, readily usable format) of your personal data, or request Volvo to transmit such personal data to another data controller.
  • In the event that our processing of your personal data or part thereof is based on your consent, to withdraw at any time your consent, in which case Volvo will cease any further processing activities of your personal data or the relevant part thereof (however such withdrawal will not affect the legality of the data processing activities prior to the withdrawal).

Please note that Volvo may not always be obliged to comply with a request of deletion, restriction, objection or data portability. Assessment may be made on a case by case basis of Volvo’s legal obligations and the exception to such rights.

You also have the right to lodge any complaints you may have regarding Volvo’s processing of your personal data to a supervisory authority. For more information about these rights and how to exercise them, please contact the Volvo Group Privacy Officer via the contact details set out above.

What happens if this Privacy Notice changes?

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Notice as needed. When we do, we will note near the top of this Privacy Notice the date that any such changes are made and/or when they become effective.

In some instances, if the changes we make are material, we may also send you an e-mail message or other communication telling you about such changes and any choices you may have or actions you can take before they go into effect.

Last updated 2023-11-27